
"Ringraziamo Luce Dipinta Multivisioni e Alex Rowbotham per averci regalato emozioni indimenticabili con lo spettacolo di video mapping. Ci avete illuminato gli occhi e riempito il cuore di magia!"

Mercatini Di Natale Rango

09,10,11 November 2012
Selected to be screened as part of this bi-annual festival in November 2012, the multivision has been updated to relate to the present facts of the important work done by the Menigitis Research Foundation.

An image from Not Enough Time

Inspired by a poem, of the same title, a collection of words by Daniel Rowbotham following the loss of his daughter Beren in 2008, of menigitis meningococcal septicaemia.

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 More news articles by Luce Dipinta here.


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