
"Ringraziamo Luce Dipinta Multivisioni e Alex Rowbotham per averci regalato emozioni indimenticabili con lo spettacolo di video mapping. Ci avete illuminato gli occhi e riempito il cuore di magia!"

Mercatini Di Natale Rango

Non ci è traduzione disponibile ancora. - Es gibt keine Übersetzung, die schon vorhanden ist. - There is no translation available yet.

Lana Lights Festival logo
Preparations are underway to organise the next, long awaited, Painting with Light Festival.

From 24th to 26th April 2015 - the third edition of the Painting with Lights festival, renamed as Lana Lights, will be held in Lana, close to the town of Merano, Italy.
A new website has been created which is being updated as and when more information becomes available.

CALLING ALL ARTISTS - we are now accepting proposals of work for building projections and light installations.

 More news articles by Luce Dipinta here.

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Lana Lights Festival