
"Ringraziamo Luce Dipinta Multivisioni e Alex Rowbotham per averci regalato emozioni indimenticabili con lo spettacolo di video mapping. Ci avete illuminato gli occhi e riempito il cuore di magia!"

Mercatini Di Natale Rango

Asolo e le sue donne

he latest building projection "Asolo e le sue donne" designed and programmed by Alex Rowbotham was revealed at the recent Fantadia Festival in Asolo, Italy.

It was a homage to three of the more well known people who made Asolo their home, Caterina Cornaro, Eleonora Duse and Freya Stark.

It covered two sides of the Reata Tower inside the walls of the Castle which is now home to the Duse Threatre. Two evenings were postponed due to thunderstorms and heavy rain, however, the success of the first evenings has opened other possibilities for repeat performances later in the year.

"Asolo e le sue donne":

"Ladies of Asolo". The beauty of art, the magic of the landscape, the ideal refuge for the body and the soul, attracted many famous people to Asolo, in different times, who loved it and lived in it. Of these, there were three women; Caterina Cornaro, Eleonora Duse and Freya Stark, who were unconnected by time but deeply tied to this town. Travellers, enterprising, nonconformist and intellectuals of international fame that contributed to elect the image of Asolo as a place ideal for its beauty and its high quality.
Caterina Cornaro, ex queen of Cyprus, exiled to Asolo in 1489, was able to create a castle, that still bares her name, a beautiful Renaissance court. Eleonora Duse, divine of the international theatre, used to come to relax in Asolo from the hard work of the stage, and also, chose Asolo as her final resting place. Freya Stark, explorer, writer and photographer, felt privileged to set Asolo as her goal of returning from her journeys and she too is buried here, in the cemetery of S.Anna.

Asolo e le sue donne Asolo e le sue donne Asolo e le sue donne

Asolo e le sue donne

Luce Dipinta also created the projection of the Fantadia Festival opening sequence onto the same building, designed and produced by Bruce Hornstein - Pyramid Studios (Richmond, USA)

Asolo e le sue donne

 More news articles by Luce Dipinta here.


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