
"Ringraziamo Luce Dipinta Multivisioni e Alex Rowbotham per averci regalato emozioni indimenticabili con lo spettacolo di video mapping. Ci avete illuminato gli occhi e riempito il cuore di magia!"

Mercatini Di Natale Rango

Lana Lights Festival logo
Preparations are underway to organise the next, long awaited, Painting with Light Festival.

From 24th to 26th April 2015 - the third edition of the Painting with Lights festival, renamed as Lana Lights, will be held in Lana, close to the town of Merano, Italy.
A new website has been created which is being updated as and when more information becomes available.

CALLING ALL ARTISTS - we are now accepting proposals of work for building projections and light installations.

 More news articles by Luce Dipinta here.

Contact Luce Dipinta

Contact us if you require help with your projects.
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Lana Lights Festival